Saturday, November 21, 2009

Viewing EXIF Data in iPhoto '09

I was tearing my hair out, trying to find where I could see the EXIF Information (Shooting Data) about pictures in iPhoto - thanks to this blog post by Kevin Carter on the MacCreate website, i found it (

1. Choose a photo in iPhoto
2. Go to Photos -> Show Extended Photo Info

I had been rummaging in the get info menu with no luck but it is available - just not where I expected it :)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Getting Apple Magic mouse scrolling to work in Windows 7 via Bootcamp

After three years, my Apple Mighty Mouse finally gave out on me so I took the opportunity to buy myself a new multi-touch Apple Magic Mouse - while it was a doddle to set up in OS X (assuming you're running OS X 10.6.2), I had some problems with it in Windows. I was able to set it up to let me use the basic moving and clicking but i could get it to scroll. Some digging on the internet found that Apple have recently released an update to the bluetooth drivers for Windows XP and Vista:

However, on trying to install these drivers on my 64-bit Windows machine, I got the following error:

'This update is not intended for this computer and will not be installed'

Fortunately, Rich G at has found a solution. He extracted the appropriate drivers from the install and conveniently put togther a 32 bit and 64 installation which seems to work pretty well for me:

Link to Rich G's blogpost about this

64-bit Windows 7 Compatible Apple Magic Mouse Driver

Thanks Rich G!